audiphile power cords

Do upgraded power cords really make a significant difference in sound quality? I have a Jolida 502p that I think sounds pretty good. What do you recommend for a power cord that would make a significant improvement?
Ketchup, pending Ralph's response I'll mention that I'm pretty certain using Romex as a power cord would be a violation of electrical codes, and potentially an excuse for an insurance company to not pay in the event of a fire.

Romex is designed for in-wall or other uses which would not cause it to be repeatedly flexed. If it is used in an application where it might be repeatedly flexed, the concern is that fractures could develop, which could lead to internal hot spots as a result of the increase in resistance that would occur at the locations of those fractures, which could result in fire. (The heat generated by a resistance is proportional to the amount of power it dissipates, which for a given amount of current is proportional to the amount of resistance).

While it wouldn't surprise me if there are some audiophiles who have used Romex for power cords, it's not something that can be recommended.

-- Al
Thanks Al. I'm aware of the dangers of using solid core wire for power cords, but you bring up a good point. There are (or at least were) some aftermarket companies that make solid core power cords. I assume they are not UL listed and could result in insurance claim problems. I'm not sure I would want anything like that in my system.
Interesting question, deserves a good answer but I haven't got one, well actually I might. Not all gear benefits from an Audiophile power cord. I have found that most tube amps and some solid state amps derive very little benefit whereas many other ss amps do. This phenominum may have a lot to do with its power supply. But anyone who owns a Class D switching amp knows that a quality aftermarket power cord can make all the difference in the world.
Phd, please go back and reread some of my earlier comments and you will see an answer based on measurements as to why power cords make a difference, which includes tube and solid state amps.

Ketchup, I'm with Al on this one: I don't recommend having anything to do with a power cord made of ROMEX!!
I had a signal magic PC on my EAR 868. When I replaced it with the Triode Wire Labs 7+ it made a big difference.
Leading edges of vocals were softer. Unnecessary sibilance was gone. A much more organic sound all around.
So I'd say yes, a PC can make a difference.
I'm not an Electrical Engineer or even slightly technically inclined, so don't know how or why.
Just saying it as I hear it....