Warm Preamp

I am looking to purchase a preamp with a warm side, either ss or tube. I am not familiar with tubes ,but no time like the present to learn or experience. I now run a plinius 102 amp, rega saturn cd and all top of the line zu cables and wires. Budget max. is 3k. Thanks
conrad johnson makes some of the warmest and sweetest sounding preamps around.
Also the Rogue Metis received excellent reviews.
I enjoy the Krell KCT and it provides all the warmth I could ask for.
All are US made if that matters to you.
Conrad-Johnson is a good recommendation.
Also, Audio Research LS-25 with the right set of tubes can really sound great.
Have you tried a Plinius preamp?

Older ARC preamps are warm. I like my BAT VK5i alot and maybe a VK3i might be the ticket?
Conrad-Johnson makes a full line up but their Preamps are what they are best known for IMHO. From the ART on down great pieces to listen to. Their older line up is probably a bit warmer