What is the best SS used amp for $1k or less?

What is the best solid state used amp offered on Audigon for $1,000 or less? Want an amp with at least 100 watts per channel, big sound stage, highs/mids like tube amp and with good solid bass. Like to listen to jazz and soft rock.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Sometimes you can find a Hafler TransNova 9505(255WPC/8ohms) in here for that. There's one listed right now, but the guy wants too much for it. The 9303 shares the same circuitry and puts out 150WPC into 8ohms, for less $$ of course. Very controlled and testicular bass, good soundstaging, and a decent midrange. You're not going to get the liquid/live midrange out of a SS design for what you want to spend. I'm using a 9505 to drive my woofers right now, it's an excellent studio amp and I have had it hooked up in my audio system as a the main amp also(to satisfy my curiosity) in the past. I could easily live with it, if I ever had to go SS. (http://www.hafler.com/techsupport/pdf/MAN0587E_9505_man.pdf) There's a modded Hafler DH-500 in the AudioGon classifieds that might really suit you, if you don't mind a bit of fan noise($750.00). (http://www.hafler.com/techsupport/pdf/DH-500_amp_man.pdf)
Tho I own one and have a bias I see alot of great opinions on Aragon 4004MKII amps often called a "poor mans Krell"
My brother really liked his NAD, which only cost him a little over 300 new, though he has since upgraded it.
Maybe it's the time of night, but those URLs aren't working now. Trying again: (http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ampstran&1222437026)