Damsel in Distress with Jadis DPL

Caught the tube rolling bug and acquired a pair of 12AU7 "supposedly" NOS Phillip Mullard collaboration tube along with a RCA 12AX7 for my Jadis DPL preamp. Experienced a loud crack from left channel through my loud speaker. Left speaker went completely dead. Removed all 3 tubes and re-installed original compliment. Everything is back to normal. Or so it seems. What happened? Did I do any damage? Any comments welcome ~ Deb
Is the sound back to normal Deb? If so then it would seem like you simply had a tube go bad...these things happen, and you should have no more worries. If the left speaker is still dead, perhaps the tube took a driver or two with in with some DC leakage.

FWIW, I've found that some equipment, like my BAT VK-75SE amp, are not too friendly to NOS tubes. I spent some big $$$ on a few NOS Sylvania 6SN7's, the right channel (3 per side) crapped out after about a week. The BAT preffered the more durable Russian tubes....lesson learned.

I agree that it was probably a tube failure. I've used the same set of Telefunkens in my JPS2 for 13 years and never had a failure.
As long as everything is still in balance between your channels, the bad tube didn't take anything with it. New production tubes go bad just as often as NOS tubes, and some defects are hard to find until the tube has full operational voltage applied to it. Always purchase tubes from reputable dealers(with stringent test procedures) to avoid the occasional high-dollar, NOS counterfeit(from China, etc.).
I should have mentioned: Don't let this experience dissuade you from pursuing NOS replacements for your unit. Their sonic benefits over what's being manufactured today will make your efforts well worth it.
Some NOS tubes may have a lower voltage rating. Take 6SN7 as an example. The NOS 6SN7GT has a max plate voltage of 300V. The newer 6SN7GTA/B have a higher voltage at 450V.