"Rafael and Dave, the active PFC circuit of the PC1 is in fact used in series with internal DC2DC transformers of compatible devices to optimize voltage regulation. Unfortunately I am not an electrical engineer and my technical knowledge is limited. G."
Hello Guido,
Yes, we do know that PFC must work with DC:DC converter. That was not a question. The qestions to which only Mr. Rowland can answer are:
1) is his DC:DC converter fully regulated
2) what is the peak voltage of the amplifier in quesion output (and what is its duration).
I am sure you undertsand these questions and you or Dave can ask Jeff Rowland for answer similarely as I ask Spectron people. If specs are good then nobody will hide them.
If I would read your writing above "... optimize voltage regulation" then it mean to me NOT fully regulated (just optimized) but I don't know if you meant it
Thank you