Jeff Rowland amp in unbalanced mode

Hi all, does anyone have experience driving a Jeff Rowland amp (model 201 or any other) with rca-XLR adapters in unbalanced mode? Could you compare with balanced operation and was there sonic impact (I guess there will be, but how serious)? Did you use Rowland's own adapter? Thanks!
Good stuff Rafael. I don't plan to touch the Continuum's output, thank you. You raise one more good question to ask Mr. Rowland. Guido, will you do the honors?

Rafael and Dave, the active PFC circuit of the PC1 is in fact used in series with internal DC2DC transformers of compatible devices to optimize voltage regulation. Unfortunately I am not an electrical engineer and my technical knowledge is limited. G.
"Rafael and Dave, the active PFC circuit of the PC1 is in fact used in series with internal DC2DC transformers of compatible devices to optimize voltage regulation. Unfortunately I am not an electrical engineer and my technical knowledge is limited. G."

Hello Guido,
Yes, we do know that PFC must work with DC:DC converter. That was not a question. The qestions to which only Mr. Rowland can answer are:
1) is his DC:DC converter fully regulated
2) what is the peak voltage of the amplifier in quesion output (and what is its duration).

I am sure you undertsand these questions and you or Dave can ask Jeff Rowland for answer similarely as I ask Spectron people. If specs are good then nobody will hide them.

If I would read your writing above "... optimize voltage regulation" then it mean to me NOT fully regulated (just optimized) but I don't know if you meant it

Thank you
I'm a bit confused here - 200ASC module in model 102 is already regulated (nature of SMPS). Where PC1's voltage is injected?
Thank you Rafael, I may have misunderstood. . . As I am not an EE, you will get more precise answers by contacting JRDG directly. G.