Newbie amp help......why?

Im confused about why an amp is needed. I am not a cranker by any means. I dont listen to my music loud at all. I really dont listen to rock much so why is an amp needed? I could understand if it was like when i was younger and wanted more bass or better treble in my car but that was only because i wanted to listen louder without distortion. I have a old pioneer elite 39tx reciever/pre amp. I have a nad c541 transport, with psb stratus gold speakers. please help me understand how this works. My stuff will already go way louder without distortion than i would ever want to listen to at that level. thanx alot Kevin

A receiver is a combination of preamp, amplifier and tuner. An integrated amp combines the preamp and amplifier. You could also choose to go with separates— a preamp in one box and an amplifier in another box. In all of these scenarios, there is an amp in the system. If you're going to listen to music via speakers, you need an amp; you already have one in your receiver.
right then why would i need an amp. my reciever is 120watts per channel. would even a small amp help clarity or bass? i am very confused. thanks alot