Dartzeel 108 vs Ayre Mr-X


What would comments & observations be on these two amps.
Pros & cons with Nagra preamp (PL-L).

Any suggestions on amps in same "league" ?

I don't hate you Semi.

I simply think you have no clue.

And name calling?

Isn't that the purest form of immaturity?

Go figure.
Hello gents

Why is it that you have narrowed down to the ayre and the dartzeel?

If you like dartzeel - try out DNM as well - they use those same rhedeko speakers for product develoment.

Also check out Lavardin - The former UK importer of Dartzeel used to and still does sell Lavardin amps - to which I am partial. I thought the dartzeel had a bit more bloom than the lavardin in that it had a bit more warmth - that was the power amp I might add - though I anticipate that the pre-amp will be cut from the same cloth.

As to equipment borrowing - in the UK i find most dealers take it for granted that they have to lend equipment out if they are to make a sale.

you must be able to isolate a component in your system.

In fact e-mail both Ayre and Dartzeel - you may find that most manufacturers would encourage dealers to lend out equipment, and they may help facilitate it.

You've asked about using these amps with a Nagra PLL.

I had the combination of the Ayre MX-R for about a year until I replaced the Nagra with the KX-R. The combination worked fine, and I was able to hear the advantages of Ayres over my previous Audio Research VTM 200's. I had learned to live with what I thought we congested tweeters on my WP 7's, but once the MX-R's were broken in there was a substantial improvement on the top end, particularly with female voices and solo piano. I had thought that the talk about "making poor recordings sound good" was probably marketing hype, but I do find that it's much easier to listen to recordings that used to be tough on the ears, without giving anything away in terms of detail. Maybe it's the higher power rating, or the zero feedback, but somethings different and it's better.

Replacing the Nagra with the KX-R was initially disappointing, but once broken in the soundstage really opened up, and became effortless in terms of
placing the instruments in space. The combination of the two is amazing.

My experience with the Ayre units has been extremely positive. I have not heard the Dartzeels, but given the value of the US dollar and the fact that Ayre provides excellent customer support and is a stable US company, I had no trouble deciding on the MX-Rs


Thank you for confirming that there is a substantial break-in time on the Ayre "R" series components. I wish that this weren't so, as it would greatly simplify the purchase decision making process. Unfortunately, this is one of the drawbacks to using that particular PCB material.

As a manufacturer, there is always the choice either to build products that make a great impression in the short- term or to make products that provide great satisfaction in the long term. We at Ayre have always chosen the latter.

Best regards,
Charles Hansen
In reflecting back on the comments by the Rockport Antares owner with Dart....I have Rockport Merak/Sheritan II combo with Ayre MX-R...works very nicely...while I have not heard Dart in my home I suspect that the Rockport speakers would do well on the deeper power reserves of the Ayre/MX-R...at least from what I can hear...I suspect the amp's head room contributes to the particularly musical/relaxed/natural sound with the Ayre/Rockport combo...I found no objectionable elements to the sound...wonderful low level detail...great image stability...able to handle shifts from quiet passages to loud passages without any sense that the power bandwidth of the system was changing...which to me is a common issue with many combo of tube amps and relatively inefficient speakers....