Sorry, I can't accept that your P/A can't be repaired. On this what have you to loose. My recommendation is to contact Eric Falkenhan (410) 467-3620 , one of the finest persons I know in audio restoration services. If Eric can't fix it nobody on the planet can. Give him a call & tell him Charlie Rehm referred you. All the best.
What is the best tube preamp currently available?
Folks - It seems my Golden Tube Audio SEP-3 is finally dead and no support or schematics is available in the entire industry. I am forced to consider a new preamp. I am spoiled with its wonderful tube quality and thought you folks would be the perfect forum to start this research for the perfect replacement. I am primarily stereo based, but would consider an A/V tube preamp, if within my budget. I look forward to your recommendations.
Thanks in advance! - Bill
Thanks in advance! - Bill
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- 21 posts total
To repair your Golden Tube Audio preamp you may want to try contacting Loc Vu-Quoc. He is apparently a specialist with those components and does modifications as well. I don't have contact information, but you might contact the person running this current Audiogon ad to find out how to get in touch with him. As far as your question, I'd completely agree with Mrjstark: That call has entirely to do with a combination of personal preferences and system synergy. There is no such thing as a universal "best" tube preamp. There are many good ones out there. I can't tell you what would work for you, but I'd check out getting your current one repaired if you like it. |
- 21 posts total