Name brands that are not so well known are skipped

I've noticed that the lesser known brands on Audiogon's Auction and Classified listings receive significantly fewer page hits than do the name brands. It's understandable if they're being skipped due to keyword searches. What I don't know if if they're being skipped simply because people don't know who they are and simply pass over them for that reason. Gaining knowledge of the market is fun, free and takes little time. If fact, if it were me looking for a new amp, preamp, etc... I would NOT do a keyword search, but take my time and scroll down through the listings.
First to mind is RE Designs. Unfortunately, Dan had little patience for "audiophile mentality" customers and ended production.

The LNPA-150 mono bloc amps are a rare product; well engineered and well built while they sold for a fair price. They ran cool and were totally reliable. I found them (and many listeners agreed) to be among the most musical, smoothest, detailed, yet unfatiguing solid state amps I've heard. In fact a friend who designs and builds tube electronics called them as good as any SS amps he's heard. I sold my pair only because another product with five times the rated power drove my large floor standing speakers to greater advantage.

Finding a used pair may prove difficult. I don't know how many were built (they were in production several years) but owners tend to hang on to them rather than play on the amplifier carousel.
Try advertising, or sending review samples to publications. That will produce better results than indirect marketing.
I agree! All of my tube based stereo is made up of lesser known brands. Your not paying for the name, so I think you can get better sound for less money.The only drawback is you don't have bragging rights.
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Tvad: Your point is well taken! I was making a generalized statement meant to help out all the new builders and people with specialized equipment who frequent Audiogon to post. There's so much to choose from- but folks have to click on it to see what it is...