Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5

I could not find any threads dedicated to this seemingly obvious comparison.
Both SS integrated amps. Both a easily available in US and from Audiogon.
Both have plenty of power.

However my question is : For Classical and Jazz which one would be your preference and why?
I listen only to LPs if it matters.
Thank you.
I appreciate your responses.
BTW just to add there is no mid range some highs and tight bass. I highly recommend Krell KAV 400 if you have your ears growing out of your rear and if you have cold house . Oh yes that peace of US engineering will save you money on heating.
Where is the music ,well it is not coming from this amp.
I am selling it after 15 minutes of owning this junk.
DKzzzz, you are either a liar, a fool or an imbicile! Of course it is also possible that you are all three. Please post your system so I can make a determination for you...wouldn't want you to suffer any further disapointments. I care about you man:)
>>DKzzzz, you are either a liar, a fool or an imbicile<<

Why, because he doesn't agree with you?

Appears to be the pot calling the kettle black.

BTW, it's imbecile not imbicile.
I only regret the spelling error, FYI. As for the comments from DKzzzz, it's obvious from his remarks that he is either blowing smoke or is unable to properly setup his system. Until he posts his system we can only guess as to the reasons for his less than stellar results. I respect opinions of others who present themselves with intelligent and well thought out reasons for their likes and dislikes. Many manufacturers make quality components. I have enjoyed a wide range of products over the years...DKzzz's rantings sound suspicious and biased. Me thinks he might not have purchased a 400xi at all! If he did, it was most likely used.