New guy needs firstpre amp

Hi folks, rather than take over a previous thread, thought that I would start a new one. I am buying seperates for the first time. I have Nuforce ref v2 se's, B&W 805s's, Ayre cdp.
I am a soundstage and imaging fan. I really like to see musicians in space.
I have a $2k budget this time out. I also need ht pass. Lastly, I would like lower gain / more fine tuning from a volume standpoint. Here is what seems to fit the bill so far and I am sure any would be great for a first pre:
The nuforce p9
the JRDG capri
the cj 17ls
the pass labs x2.5
are there any others in that price range that I am missing?
Thanks in advance to all. This really is a great community.
Hi Jimmy, with the NuForce you may want to consider a balanced pre to maximize what your NuForce can do with. As mentioned in the other thread, I am very fond of Capri. . . its staging is superb, provided you are patient enough with break in. . . about 1K hours are pretty well a must. As for having very gradual gain. . . Capri uses an optically encoded dual gain volume control. . . when you turn the knob slowly volume changes by 0.5dB steps, which is extremely gradual. G.
Thanks G. I do like the balanced path. My cdp has a balanced layout as well. Like the idea of having the choice. I am hoping that someone will have a slightly cheaper suggestion. And I have a week or so to pick one out. The Pass Labs products seem to get alot of press and have the features. Have you ever owned one?
Take a look at De Havallind ultra verve, huge soundstage. I think there is one on the GON right now. I don't know the seller, just something to check out.