Wavac SET tube amps with different output tube

Hi. Wavac have different levels(MD,EC,HE and SH) of their SET power amps.Anybody heard them and how good are MD-805MkII 60W mono blocks with separate PS in comparison to HE-805 50W stereo amps and to HE-833Ver 1.3 150W mono blocks.
My speakers have 95dB sensitivity and 8Ohm impedance(tube friendly).
Thanks in advance
Hi Schorly! Great to see you this weekend. I am loving my CJ Act 2! On your recommendation, I did a search on Wavac, and your post came up! By coincidence, there is someone locally here who has a pair of 805's. I am going to try to listen and will let you know.

Hi Lloyd.
Thank you that would be nice. Please let me know how it sounds in comparison to other good stuff.Try to find also Wavac with 300B tube( model MD and EC).
Hope to see you soon again.