Thoughts on Threshold Forte Model 3 Nelson Pass

Hi. I have an opportunity to buy a Forte Model 3, allegedly in great shape, for $350.00 including shipping. Any thoughts on this SS amp?? I'm currently using an Adcom GFA-555, which sports the same 200 wpc (I have to drive needy 4 ohm KEF Reference speakers), but I'm wondering if the Nelson Pass "pedigree" isn't worth switching for. I'm thinking I can sell the Adcom for the $350, so.... Thoughts, experts?? -David
I see we have unanimity on the Nelson Pass pedigree now. Not that it really makes a difference; its just a darn sweet-sounding amp! I am looking for the Parasound 2100 and also a Forte F-44 with remote; I'll keep you folks posted.
I picked one up for $100 the other day, but it has issues.
The right channel is silent. I replaced all 4 internal fuses, matching what was in there, however I don't know if those were correct. Can anyone tell me what size fuses 'should' be used?
If replacing those with the correct fuses still yeilds no sound from the right channel, should I replace all 4 caps?
I can't read all the junk on the caps without removing them. Can anyone tell me the make/model of the caps so I can find them online?
Mine also has the 2 prong 'lamp' power cord mentioned above, so I believe that's the way these where shipped.

thanks for any help you can provide.
I find these kind of topics (and the replys) more interesting than the product itself .