Imaging problem, or lack thereof...any ideas

Not sure what/where the problem is, so I'm not really too sure where to post this, but here goes. I'm using a PS3 to send HDMI to my onkyo 805 receiver, which is playing the music in "direct" mode and sending the pre out to a musical fidelity A5 integrated amp (HT bypass input on A5). When I play music this way I get a great image, but of course I'm using the preamp section of the onkyo receiver so it's lacking a lot of power when compared with the A5's preamp section, especially in the lower freqs.

When I send optical out of the PS3 (2 ch 44.1 khz) to my musical fidelity A3 24 DAC and then to an input on the A5 integrated, I totally lose any image. All sound is put out of both speakers simultaneously and all sound is localized at the center. Overall the sound is much better/open/powerful coming from the preamp section of the A5, but I just can't go without an image...

I also have the same problem when sending 2ch analog out of the PS3. No distinction in the 2 channels.

I don't know if it's the player (doesn't seem like it should be, because it separates the 2 channels when playing out HDMI), or the MF A5 integrated (which also doesn't seem like it should be because it's distinguishing channels fine when received through the HT Bypass input from the receiver). Anybody ever have this problem? If so, how did you solve it?

After typing all that it seems like this might be a little confusing :D
Does the DAC have a ch selection for making both 2 ch (stereo) output the same? Like the Lavry DA10 had a switch on it which allowed you to output the right ch to both speakers, or the left to both speakers, or combine to mono a stereo signal. I forget why they said that feature was in place and never used it... except to see if it worked. It did.

The Lavry had a dedicated sw. for this purpose... maybe the MF DAC has it included under a multi function button...?? or is the default unless changed.

BTW... for what it's worth, via my HDMI cables in stereo config, the sound is very good indeed, until I step way up in ic price tags. I do mean way up too. Just my experience.
The PS3 doesn't have a coax out and neither does the xbox 360. I think I have an old dvd player that has coax out somewhere. I'll try to find it and see what happens. The thing about that is that I'm getting good separation of channels through the optical cables from both the PS3 and the xbox 360, but only when going through the onkyo 805 receiver...meaning that the 805's DAC and preamp section are being used.

it's justa a parralel port and won't change it at all, just passes it on. maybe going to Wally world and getting one of their $8 optical links and connecting from there to the to the MF DAC could help... it sure wouldn't seem as though it would but stranger things have happend.

Least ways, so far you know who is and isn't playing well with others.

Lastly, following the holiday weekend, making a call to MF distributor or a MF dealership will enlighten the situation more.

Be well.
I had the same problem when using the PS3 as a source. I find its image weak at best, tilted on top and weak bass performance.
I couldn't find any switch like that anywhere on the DAC Jim. There are only two switches on the assembly; the upsampling 96/172khz switch and the on/off switch. You had me hoping though. I'll also try sending the digital out of the receiver...yeah it doesn't seem like that would have any effect on the signal, but who knows--I'll try anything. I'm a Radio Detection and Ranging systems tech, and I've come across a lot "fix actions" over the years that didn't seem to make sense to me electronically, but worked nonetheless.

Kool39, yeah the PS3 probably isn't the best sounding or imaging source out there, but I know for a fact that it is sending out two separate channels of audio because I can hear them when listening through the 805's DAC and pre, and then through the HT bypass on my 2ch integrated MF A5. And when using the PS3 optical out directly to the MF A3 24 DAC to the MF A5--I think the bass is greatly improved, mostly due to the DAC. Although it doesn't sound very "live" due to the mono/imageless output.

So it has to be either the DAC or the pre section in the MF A5 integrated that is mixing the 2 channels and I think I figured out a way to discern which. I'm going to send the analog out of the MF DAC to the receiver and from receiver to the HT bypass on the MF A5. If I don't get a proper image I'll know for sure that the DAC is the problem, because I know that the receiver when in "direct" mode will send exactly what it is getting on the the HT bypass which will only amplify what it's being fed. I know this because as I said before, when sending digital out of the PS3 through the receiver's dac and pre section I get a proper image. If I do get a proper image, I'll know that the DAC is, in fact, sending out to separate ch's and the pre section of the MF A5 is somehow mixing the ch's in it's preamplification.

We'll see what happens, but it looks like either way I'm gonna have to buy something :/