Most transparent amp you've heard?

Of the amps I've listened to the Halcro DM58 was the most transparent. Anything else similar or better in that department?

Thanks Sean
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Tvad- If the reproduction in my listening room is true(largely- no claim to perfection here) to the original session, what more can be asked? The TacT RCS(modded), and room treatments that I am employing do a very nice job of eliminating the listening room from the equation. To be honest: I'd have deleted that last post after re-reading it, had this site allowed it. It smacks of a persecution complex. Please note: I never even made a recommendation. Hardly the sign of a wannabe oracle. I am surprised that no one has mentioned interconnects and cables(more variables) with regards to the lack of transparency innate to most.
VTL Siegfiried. Haven't heard the Halcro, but this VTL is the best amplifier of any description that I have ever heard in my life. It makes the Ayre monoblocks sound like a mass market receiver by comparison.
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Well, I don't know about absolutes or anything, but one aspect of a transparent amp, or system, is that the soundscape changes signficantly from recording to recording - that is the system tends not to be homegenized in sound signature, but let's recordings come through more tellingly and reflecting the differences between recording venues and engineering - to me, that is usually a good sign.