Are Theta amps made by Ayre ?

I am looking to buy a theta 5 channel amp, I was told that they are made by Ayre, I am very impressed by Ayre amps, could someone shed some light on this, thanks
The now out of production Dreadnaught I was essentially designed by Charles Hansen of Ayre. Theta then took the basic modules used in that design and went all out to create the Citadel monos. Later, Theta took the Dreadnaught I and tweaked it to make it less musical but more powerful on the low end thereby creating the Dreadnaught II, most likely in an attempt to better appeal to the HT crowd it is primarily aimed at.

Don't forget that Ayre makes its own multi-channel amplifier in the V-6xe:
Charles Hansen, founder of Ayre, helped in the design of the Dreadnaught. The Theta amps are not manufactured by Ayre.
Theta amps are made by......Theta. I assume you are looking at a Dreadnaught or Dreadnaught II. Charlie Hansen of Ayre Acoustics did contribute his expertise in designing the original Dreadnaught.

The circuit topology in the original Dreadnaught was a collaborative effort between David Reich of Theta, Charles Hansen of Ayre, and Jim White of Aesthetix. The Dreadnaught II offered improvements that were designed by David Reich at Theta.
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