Thanks for your input. The Tannoys are matching very well power wise. The version I have is the TW which has a 95db efficiency, an RMS rating of 110 Watts and a Peak power rating of 380 watts. Changing fuses is under consideration soon as I get a consistent performance.
Like any other audio gear, the Atmasphere changes sonically during the break-in process but it takes quite a long while between these changes. I ordered it with the Teflon Cap upgrade, maybe that explains the unusual long break-in time..
This indeed is a coincidence!..I posted on Agon as I found more user discussions here on Atmasphere than anywhere else..:) I ordered the S-30 with the Teflon Cap upgrade, so maybe the Caps are the culprits till break-in is over. Maybe the MA units you heard also had these Caps installed. Maybe there weren't fully broken-in. I'm just guessing of course.
Recently, I also tried different interconnects and power cords but still this hardness existed. Mind you, it has greatly subsided but it is still there and noticeable and of course annoying..:) I brought over a couple of audio buddies and they too confirmed the phenomenon. Mostly very noticeable in a piano's mid to upper registers and the trebles in general.
This anomaly was also the reason why I experiemented with other 6SN7's but still no change, though the Tung-Sols were superior (to my ears).
Tom, thanks for the link. I'll check the thread and read the opinions there. I'm really hoping matters take a good turn soon as I really love this amp and love the way it reproduces the music. Thanks again for chiming in..:)