Preamp for atma sphere m60

Just purchased the m60 and was wondering which preamp is best for the money for this amp.
I know there is a synergy thing going when using the same brand especially with atma sphere, but was wondering if there are other brands that will satisfy.
I am in search of something that will take my system to the top. I suppose the mp1 would probably be the best choice. But the price entry is out of reach, is there something else that can do it. Obviously the balanced outs are needed but the phono stage is not so critical.
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I recently bought an Audio Electronic Supply AE3 on the recommendation of it being a giant killer with a friend's pair of tube monoblocks. Well, I shouldn't say giant killer as much as flat out sensational in his opinion.

I have the same pair of monoblocks as he does, and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So, do I think the preamplifier is great in that combination? Well, it was pretty good, but I was left wanting for a lot more.

Then, I needed to put my M60 into the system for some evaluation, and holy cow, it's far and away the best preamplifier I've ever used with the M60s. More dynamic than I've ever heard, while adding a flesh and blood and romance that has never been there before. Previously, in my opinion, the other amplifiers had sounded better than my Atmas. Now, the Atmas have leapt over the other amps, and it's not even close. Not sure if the combination will line up with your tastes, but I sure found the end result to be truly outstanding.
Mingles, I have the DJH, but I think any version of that model would be OK to take a flyer on.

I haven't tried the different versions, but my friend who recommended it to me had the base one which he had someone modify for him. The end result, according to him, was not very different whatsoever. Of course, I'm sure there are some people who have owned multiple versions, so I'm curious to see what their experiences are, as obviously, mine is limited in this regard.