BAT VK 600 M SE power conditioner


I have a system consist of dCS verdi/purcell/verona & elgar + connected directly into my BAT monoblocks driven SF strad speakers. (kimber 1130 & 1038)
I use a PS audio powerplant for the source.
My question is if anyone can recommend any power conditioner for my power amps, or have any experience using conditioner for big power amps.

I would have prefer since there is some distance between the amps to have a separate conditioner for each amp, each amps have two power inlets.

Any suggestion/recommodations?

Best regards

Our BAT equipment draws a lot of juice and any restriction may change your sound. I have BAT VK150SE's. Personlly, I'd recommend getting the best power you can to the amps (dedicated 20 amp line, iso ground, good wire, top AC plugs), then using a great power cord (well cords 4 in this case for you)

The Purist Audio Designs cords work great for me. They also have a new model out that seems to be awesome. I use Purist 20th Anniversary now. In the past my favorite cords (In order of best to least liked - all of these GOOD!) with BAT have been the Purist Dominus Ferrox, the Purist Dominus fluid, Kimber Palladian PK10, Tranparent Powerlink Reference.

Any of these cords will work great for you.

Good luck
I use a ISOTEK Titan for my amps.It is strickly designed for amps of all kinds including high drawing ones...There are 2 outlets on the unit.
One of the local dealers uses one on their AR 210 tube monos with great results

you will not be disappointed
First off, after 30years immersed in this addiction we call "High End Audio", I have NEVER had a component damaged from an electrical event...not even close! Secondly, all of the power conditioner equipment sold will change the sound of your system...mostly for the worse. Low level detail, transparency etc...will suffer the most. A dedicated 20amp line will do wonders. I also employ MIT cables to address any other said power contamination the white papers on line noise and the various methods used to correct it and the subsequent results of each method. MIT uses parallel filtration technology which does not rob your system of anything but noise:)