Tube vs SS Amp with a All Tube Preamp

If I have an all tube preamp what is the advantage of having a tube amp vs a SS state. I understand SS is better for dynamics and power so what is the tube amp going to do that the tube preamp is not doing already?
Autodexr, what speakers do you plan on using? That has a lot to do with whether or not a tube amp makes sense for you. I agree with Newbee that if your speakers are tube friendly (basically a smooth impedance curve, and the higher the impedance the better)than I don't think you will find an SS amp that will sound as good overall as a tube amp; at least that is the case for my ears. I want to love an SS amp, and I've tried excellent ones (always with a tube preamp, occassionaly some passives), but ultimately no SS amp does for me what a tube amp does, most expecially OTLs - my ears, my taste. If you do go with an SS amp, you should at least try to get a Class A amp that tends to have a more "tube-like" sound signature (Pass Aleph amp for example).
first of all, what tube amp and what solid state amp exactly? What speakers? What preamp?

DartZeel solid state amp vs Audio Mirror tube amp?

See what I mean? Be more specific.
My system is as follow

Sonus Faber Concertos (Bookshelf speakers)
Granite Audio 770FP Tube Preamp
B and K 2220 Solid State Reference Preamp
VPI Scout
Vandersteen 2wq

Thanks for the help
I think with the 2Wq, any possible disadvantage of certain tube amps for producing bass is greatly diminished. You seem to have a good set up with your speakers for tubes.
what are you looking for? more resolution, more detail, bigger soundstage, more imaging precision, etc.

Without any specific amplifiers being mentioned or brought up for comparison, I really find this impossible to answer.
How can this be generalized?

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