Tube vs SS Amp with a All Tube Preamp

If I have an all tube preamp what is the advantage of having a tube amp vs a SS state. I understand SS is better for dynamics and power so what is the tube amp going to do that the tube preamp is not doing already?
I think with the 2Wq, any possible disadvantage of certain tube amps for producing bass is greatly diminished. You seem to have a good set up with your speakers for tubes.
what are you looking for? more resolution, more detail, bigger soundstage, more imaging precision, etc.

Without any specific amplifiers being mentioned or brought up for comparison, I really find this impossible to answer.
How can this be generalized?

What is faster, a sedan or an SUV? Can anyone answer this question?
Audphile1, your right, and at the same time I think it is possible to answer the general question. Assuming you can distinquish between the general sonic signature of tubes versus SS, does having a tube pre and amp get your more of the tube performance than what is generally possible by just using a tube pre amp with an SS amp. I'm not going to argue whether or not with some of the best equipment there is a convegence of the performance of tubes with SS and vice versa (I've not yet heard evidence of that, but some claim there is and perhaps it is so)- but as a general answer to a general question, I think Newbee's response at the start of thread is basically right, but of course with specific equipment and combinations the general "rule" might not apply - that is true. So yes, if you get a tube amp, there will generally be more "tubiness" than if you use a tube preamp with a SS amp IMHO. Now if the SS amp were a Pass Aleph, or Ayre VX1, perhaps less so.
Pubul57, you made your point. Agreed, as far as general idea....but still we are really not even scratching a surface.

I still think that without mentioning a specific product, we are simply applying buzzwords to stereotypes.

Sorry. I guess I am bit particular when it comes to questions like this.