Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?

I am looking for recommendations for a powerful tube amp for my Strads. A powerful tube amp which truly excels at palpability, musicality but also has very good bass control (though bass control is not as 'mission critical' to me as palpability).

My current amp (see below) sounds great to my ears!...but runs out of steam much too soon.

My system today:

Zanden 5000S DAC
CJ Act 2
CJ MV60 (EL 34 tube)
SF Strads (4ohms, 92db sensitivity though impedence does dip to 2.5ohms)
Velodyne DD-18 (run in parallel)
Transparent Ref/Ref XL cabling throughout
Purist Audio Dominus PC

In addition to recommendations, any thoughts are welcome on Wavac, Audio Note, Zanden, VTL, CJ LP275...or monoblocking MV60 (EL34)? Thanks!

Lloydelee...I have two Cary V12 tube mono's I'll let go for $4500 if interested...David
Have had my Strads for about four or so years and used them with a LAMM L2 Reference/ML2s from the outset, but about 18 months ago I really felt that ultimately this was not the best match in my medium sized listening room.

I also have a pair of McIntosh 275IV's (with LAMM LL2 DeLuxe Pre) and a pair of Audiovalve Baldur 70's (with Eclipse Pre) - both these more high powered alternatives are excellent with the Strads as well......but the Unison Research Reference Preamp and Monoblocs wth Strads are to me simply something else.

The URR has never been mentioned on Audiogon other than by me prior to my receiving my units (one lone reply from a dealer!!). They are really worth checking out if you are seeking a new tube amp for your Strads.

Perhaps this follows the fact that they have only been reviewed in Italian and German publications, with just the one in Hi Fi Choice (The Collection 2007).
Hi Downunder,

I have not gotten anything yet. In fact, I still am waiting to hear Bernings...now must wait til end of Jan. Expect to listen to Gryphons and CJ just after the new year...hard to get auditions in London sometimes! Plus, the global mkts have made work very busy...a good thing though tough.

Did u audition the lpm275 monos?
If so, how were they?

SMP - got your email. Sounds interesting. Will email u back. Thanks!!!