Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?

I am looking for recommendations for a powerful tube amp for my Strads. A powerful tube amp which truly excels at palpability, musicality but also has very good bass control (though bass control is not as 'mission critical' to me as palpability).

My current amp (see below) sounds great to my ears!...but runs out of steam much too soon.

My system today:

Zanden 5000S DAC
CJ Act 2
CJ MV60 (EL 34 tube)
SF Strads (4ohms, 92db sensitivity though impedence does dip to 2.5ohms)
Velodyne DD-18 (run in parallel)
Transparent Ref/Ref XL cabling throughout
Purist Audio Dominus PC

In addition to recommendations, any thoughts are welcome on Wavac, Audio Note, Zanden, VTL, CJ LP275...or monoblocking MV60 (EL34)? Thanks!

Thanks, Downunder. Cannot wait! i too may hear in mid to late Jan. Wavacs, Gryphons, LP275s are on the top of the list at the moment. Bernings are also still a possibility.
When I read the hifi+ revfiew, the Bernings would not be to my taste. Too lean and mean vs the warmer more robust sounding cj LP275's. At least what Gregory said.

The Gryphons will be interesting - I have heard the cheaper Encore - good bass, treble too SS. I assume the Class A modles wil have more liquidity

Hi Lloydelee21

I use the Berning Quadrature Z to run my Avalon ISIS, Amazing that's all I can say. They are by fare the best PowerAmps I have heard, and I have been around ;-)

Br, JK
I have owned the Lamm ML1.1 dual mono 90W amps for the last 2 months and they have been by far the best amps I have owned. My most recent were Wavelength SET amps (Rest of my system is Wadia 861, Wilson Watt 7, Shunyata Hydra8/Python, Harmonic Tech cables). I also went back and forth between SS and tube amps. I have always wanted to go with solid state due to less maint/worry over tubes, but have come back to tubes as the best sound. In the past I have owned some of the better if not best solid state amps from Ayre, Rowland and Krell and also had CJ MV50s a while back. My current Lamm amps have been a revelation in terms of detail retreival without the stidency and more etched/sterile sound of SS amps. microdynamics and transparency/ability to present a clear view into the music. As good as the SS amps have gotten, heard most recently Spectral Mono amps, which are argueably the best or near best SS amp, the best tube amps offer a sound much closer the sound of live music played. Not sure if 90 watts is enough for your system but if you can swing the cost of the Lamm amps, they may be the "last" amp purchase.
Thanks Kejser and Rawawjakaj. At the moment, Gryphon, Wavac are high on my list. So are Lamm and Berning. I need to find a place in London, UK that actually carries Lamm. Should be auditioning this month! thanks again and happy new year.
