Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?


My system consists of the following:

Slimdevices Transporter -> Bel Canto REF1000 Mono block amps -> Anthony Gallo Ref3.1 Speakers

I was wondering, should I be switching the Bel Canto amps on/off every time I listen to music? Or should I just leave them on permanently and only switch the transporter on/off (which i do anyways)?

As to a response from a EE - here it is - When power is first applied to a circuit,or cut off, all sorts of transient events occur that never reoccur as long a the system is on. Very high currents and voltages are present that die out quickly. Even aside from the thermal changes that everyone is concerned with, once a steady state is reached there isn't a whole lot of difference in the stress on the components that if the system was off. For this reason, you probably will extend the life of the individual circuit components by leaving a system on all the time - more true with solid state than tubes.
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Musicnoise - Power-up transients don't do more harm to electrolytic caps than constant ripple current, but increase by merely 10 degrees Celsius of temperature inside will cut capacitors life by half. I addition we won't be able to unplug during thunderstorm when we are not at home.
Tvad - In practical terms - it really doesn't matter. You will extend the life by leaving the system on, but, as with most questions that come up on this site - it is likely a meaningless difference. Well designed solid state equipment lasts a long time. As to your example - you may only get 40 years out of an amp that you turn on and off everyday - but get a whole 41 years out of the equipment if you leave it on all the time. What is most likely to wear out will be electromechanical components - for eg. a power on relay. Transformers, transistors, resistors and, despite everyones obsession - caps both electrolytic and otherwise, will outlast the em components. I too have seen an awful lot of equipment that was around unrepaired and unmodified for decades.