Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
This evening, from about 7:00 PM on my voltage has been fairly steady at 122.3.

The highest reading I observed all day was 123.3.
07-07-15: Tmmvinyl
Am I correct that I should not be using my Takatsuki tubes in the Frankensteins given my high voltage readings?
I haven't been able to find a datasheet or detailed specs on the Takatsuki tube. Can anyone provide a link to that information?

Best regards,
-- Al
A point to keep in mind regarding the AC voltage measurements some of you have been making: Although a digital multimeter may provide 4 digits or more of resolution (i.e., to tenths of a volt when reading voltages in the vicinity of 120), its readings are by no means necessarily accurate to anything remotely close to tenths of a volt.

For example, the B&K 2703C, which lists for $46 and is produced by a very reputable company, provides 0.1 volt resolution on the scale which would be used to measure AC power, but its specified accuracy on that scale translates to +/- 2.9 volts when measuring 120VAC!

Which reminds me, I've got to order myself a good Fluke DMM. My old Triplett analog multimeter just won't cut it when it comes to accuracy :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
Thank you for your continued contribution to this thread. I do not have a Data Sheet for the Takatsuki 300B tube, but I can share the test results for one of my matched pairs if that would be helpful.

For example, the plate volts Ep vdc test result was 300 for each tube; DC plate current lp mAdc was 73 and 73.1 for each tube; AC plate current lp mAac was 6 for each tube, Bias volts G1 vdc was 60 for each tube; Grid #1 leakage uA was 0.29 and 0.27 for each tube; Tube gain Mu was 3.6 for each tube; Plate resistance RP ohms was 0.6K for each tube. Do these numbers help? Is there another number I should look for?

Thanks again.
I know very little about multimeters; mine is the Commercial Electric, Digital Multimeter, Model # MAS830B purchased at Home Depot.

Using the 200V measuring range, accuracy is listed as +/- 1.2% rdg +/- 10dgt.