TVC passive - great value
Blueberry preamp a bit on the warm side. Phono build in.
Modwright - nice , more on the neutral side.
AR are nice but I can not think of any model from the lower end that I acctuly like. Their recent top dogs are quite impresive though.
Supratek , if you can find it used. But it might not be the best choice if you are not into tube rolling. Its build in phono is of very high quality.
The rest of your system, budget and your preferences should dictate the choice of the preamp that suits you best.
Blueberry preamp a bit on the warm side. Phono build in.
Modwright - nice , more on the neutral side.
AR are nice but I can not think of any model from the lower end that I acctuly like. Their recent top dogs are quite impresive though.
Supratek , if you can find it used. But it might not be the best choice if you are not into tube rolling. Its build in phono is of very high quality.
The rest of your system, budget and your preferences should dictate the choice of the preamp that suits you best.