Hiss at addition in system LAMM L2

Hiss (noise) from speakers at addition in system LAMM L2.

Three weeks ago, I have bought preliminary amplifier L2 reference
Improvement in sounding all system was huge!!!! The overall dynamics and scale of the music!!!
Illusion of a presence(finding) in a concert hall has appeared.

But I am disturbed with the following:
At addition in system L2 strong enough noise (hiss) has appeared from
speakers. At inclusion of toggle-switch MUTE hissing disappears, at deenergizing
Toggle-switch MUTE all room is filled with noise (hiss).
Even at listening music on silent passes or piano music
Such noise level it is normal or L2 demands repair?
forgot to add that I threw mine on a BPT balanced conditioner and also ran it on its own dedicated 20A line - still had the problem. Got an email from a gent in Europe after I posted my findings and his L2 Ref had a similar problem. I would imagine what could be this preamp's "best" match is a Lamm amp(s) but that was not in the cards for me...
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The pre will hiss no matter what you do. The hiss comes from the mosfets in the circuit and higher gain amps on more sensitive speakers will hiss more than others.
You either live with it or sell it. For me, I chose to go a lower gain amp and it remedied the problem well enough for me.
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I had BAT Rex in my system recently, paired with BAT 75-SE, and it was "dead silent"- I could only hear very low level ground loop- type cycling humm with my ear literally 1" from the tweeter, which I'm positive, was related to my power lines, rather then Pre/Amp themselves.
So, I guess hiss is a byproduct of less, then perfect design, and not inherent to tubes or mosfets for that matter.