Best amp under $6k, in your opinion?

Whats the best amp under 6k that can drive a speaker with 87dB with no dips under 4ohm?
A couple more choices in this range are the Ayre V-1xe and parasound JC-1s. I prefer the Ayre, but if you need more power the JC-1s will do it.
Good options Tom. The Ayre especially has always interested in light of comments made by Ayre users.
Not neccessarily true, Grannyring. Tube Research makes some very beautiful amplifiers and preamplifiers. Paul was one of the first to offer 1 inch thick face panels and large gold plated panels.

They are considerably more money that the $3500 Dude. There is one gold face plate Dude that I know of. Maybe Paul can send you photos?
not to complicate things but the krell fpb c and cx series are tremendous amplifiers especially at the current preowned prices. the size is a downside but they are very dynamic, powerful and reliable. the krell sound is not loved by all (i find many of the negative comments grossly exagerated) however they are certainly good enough to be considered when looking in that range. good luck on your quest...