SS or Tube Preamps with Dual-Balanced outputs

I vertically bi-amp; I am looking for recommendations on fully balanced pre-amps that offer the ability to have 2 simultaneous balanced outputs. I am look for a full balanced circuit (some call this quad-balanced I believe).

Currently, I've been using a Classe CP-700 with excellent results for over a year and half. I like the Classe's build quality, separate power supply, air, clarity, imaging, musicality, etc...very much.

What other SS or Tube pre-amps offer dual-balanced outputs
with great imaging and other desirable sonic attributes?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Here's some correction for Esoteric and JRDG:

** Esoteric C03 PreAmp (new)(1 xlr output)
** Jeff Rowland Capri 1 Bal-XLR, 1 Unb-RCA std)
** Jeff Rowland Concerto (std)
** Jeff Rowland Criterion (std) 2 Bal XLR
Thanks for corrections, are you certain about the rowland gear, I read on their website transformer coupled, I don't know enough about circuitry so I may be wrong, but I thought that when preamp is not fully balanced it uses transformer in there to create a balanced output.
Please educate me.
Rowland components have been differentially balanced since at least early nineties. So much so that the TI Burr Brown OPA1632 module used in Capri and Criterion is a differentially balanced OP Amp. G.
Pedrillo/Guido: Great to hear from you. Thanks for updating the list to answer a key capability I am looking for that I already enjoy in my CP-700. I had reviewed the Esoteric early materials on the C-03 and believe the ** designation is accurate. That would also make alot of sense given their delivery of fully balanced, dual-mono capabilities from start to finish with the P-03/P-03U/D-03 units. Have a great weekend!

The updated list is now;

Here are those with balanced in to out.
** denotes balanced from input to output.
? denotes not known whether balanced throughout.

?Accuphase C-2810 (2 xlr)
?Accuphase C-2410 (2 xlr)
**Aestehtix Janus (2 xlr)
**Aesthetix Calypso (2 xlr)
**AtmaSphere Music Preamplifier MP3 (option)
**AtmaSphere New Music Preamplifier MP1 Mk. III (option)
Audio Horizons TP 2.1 (option)
**Audio Research LS26 (2 xlr)
**Audio Research Reference 3 (2 xlr)
Audionet Pre G2 (2 xlr)
Audiovalve Eklipse (unbalanced at 1 xlr)
**Ayre KX-R (2 xlr)
**BAT 51 SE (? xlr)
**BAT 52 SE (2 xlr)
**BAT REX (2 xlr)
?Belles 28A (No info, The 21 has 1 xlr unbalanced)
**Cary slp05 (on special order)
**Classe CP700 (2 xlr)
**Classe CP500 (1xlr)
** Esoteric C03 PreAmp (new)(1 xlr output)
** Jeff Rowland Capri 1 Bal-XLR, 1 Unb-RCA std)
** Jeff Rowland Concerto (std)
** Jeff Rowland Criterion (std) 2 Bal XLR
?Herron Audio
**Mcintosh C500 (2 xlr)
?Music First Audio MK II Preamplifier (TVC)
?Music First Audio Reference Preamplifier (TVC, Appears to have 2 xlr)
?Pass Labs XP20 (1 xlr)
?Plinius Tautoro (2 xlr)
Promitheus Audio Reference Ccore TVC (option)
?Rogue Audio Hera (2 xlr)
**SimAudio P7 or P8 (2 xlr)
?Sonic Frontiers Line3
?Supratek Dual Cabernet (appears as 1 xlr)
**VAC Phi Beta (2 xlr)
**VTL 7.5 (2 xlr)
**?YS Audio BALANCED A2 (2 xlr)