Krell Evolution 402 Vs. Pass Labs X.5 Series?

When I had Pass Labs x250.5, Valhalla IC and Cord was necessity. Sonicaly speaking Krell is totaly different than Pass. I had to also give up Exact Power since it is useless without a poweramp. Anybody who considers any new Krell amps must be avoided by Nordost Valhalla range. Because Valhalla works on high and low frequency spectrum very well in expense of loss on mids. IMO, Krell is very strong as long as bass control and quality plus highs concerned. But in return or matterfact you end up with a little dry sound if you use a solid state preamp such as Boulder.
Boulder amp+Boulder Preamp will sound best with Sonus Faber and Focal speakers. No matter which boulder you combine you will end up with dry sound with Wilson Speakers.
Pass Labs amp+Boulder preamp combination will need at least two Valhalla or similar cable together with Wilson Speakers.
Krell Evo amp+Boulder Preamp setup is unknown case, however, I have seen improvements after JPS cable took place between DCS and Boulder 810. If Aluminata cord and speaker cable make difference, it is a good news to me.(don't have cord and speaker cable yet) Otherwise I need to replace the Boulder 810 by LYRA Conn. 4-L-SE solid state preamp or ARC REF 3. Again I assume I use still Wilson Sophia 2.
But there is always a ''B'' route. My ''B'' route is Sonus Faber Amati Ann. where I don't need to replace my Transparent cables. Complicated isn't it?
if you had your system voiced with certain components, cables, etc and you had synergy, by introducing a different amplifier you altered that synergy in a negative way.
There are possibilities you will have to rework a lot of things.

What was wrong with Pass/Boulder/Wilson combo?
Couldnt you try a Nagra PLP with the Krell?
Wilson use Nagra PLP+Spectral+Alexandria.

Nothing wrong with Pass X250.5. It can compete any S.State power amp as long as it doesn't leave Class A. It is a little bit dark sounding amplifier that is it. If Nelson Pass could make a stereo amp, class a or heavy biased AB (first class a watts 60 or more) I would go for it!

I bought Krell Evo 402 without any listening. I believe this amp has potential of driving Sophias indeed good.
That's the game for me.
Actually Pass makes XA.5 series now and that is Class A only. Or how about X350.5? Almost 60w/ch in Class A.

So now with the Krell it's bright?
If it was me, I would most likely not pair Wilson speakers with a Krell amp. I doubt a tube preamp such as REF3 paired with the Krell would solve your problem.

You either have to get an amp that sounds the way you want with these speakers or swap the speakers.

but Wilson Sophia are very good speakers.
I'd not trade them for Sonus Faber. I'd rather swap the amp.