Creek Destiny Integrated vs. Current Aragon System

I have owned my Aragon 24k SP Preamp and 4004 MKII Amp for many years. My purchase decision at the time for these components were value and serious horsepower. I am now in search of improved sonic quality (on a budget). Connected to this system is a Cambridge Azure 840C and Sonus Faber Electa's - Kimber throughout. I have no local dealer for the Creek and would be looking at a 15% restocking fee if dissatisfied.

Respectfully interested in your opinions/suggestions.
In terms of my budget, around $2K, either new or used. I am interested, if it exists, in search of a more "musical" sounding solution. I do not picture myself as a "tube" person, but power is not my priority. Does a more musical product in this price range even exist, or does my search end here with such limited financial resources?
I haven't heard your speakers and the match with them would be the most critical factor for you, I'd guess, but I have owned a few amplifiers in your price range that I can comment on.

The McCormack, Audio Refinement and Sim Audio solid state amps I've had have all been wonderful, musical, versatile and trouble free.

The only way I've been able to make a significant difference in musicality in the same price range is by going with tubes. I have an AES amp/preamp combination and, for the last week, a Rogue Cronus integrated.

The two tube setups are quite different. The AES is 15 watts of triode sweetness and the Cronus is 55 watts, more dynamic and less fluid than the AES but still more 'musical' than any of the solid state amps.
Following up on Sfar's advice -- you can get some of the tube magic by mixing a tube preamp with a solid state amp. Solid state amps like McCormack DNA-125 with high input impedance generally offer best match for tube preamp -- I've owned a DNA-125 with conrad-johnson (PV10 and PV12) and Eastern Electric Minimax tube preamps -- really nice combinations, both musical and powerful. I'm not sure how well your Aragon amp would get along with a tube pre.

Another suggestion -- buy a used Naim Nait 5i integrated -- see Robert Harley's Absolute Sound review, which gets it right (google "naim nait harley review" and go to the PDF posted by one-hifi dot com). I have been very happy with my Nait 5i -- it has changed the way I listen to music. I'm no longer constantly trying new combos of amps and preamps -- just enjoying listening because it sounds right. (I've owned Creek integrateds, but the smaller ones, not the Destiny, so I can't compare to the Nait 5i.)
Thank you for your help! My Sonus Faber Electa's state in the liturature a suggested power rating of 55 - 150W. I have read about the virtues of tubes, but I am concerned about maintenance and too little power to produce good low level slam and articulation. However, maybe these concerns are bogus. I am brand-new to this site, and am very grateful to hear from people for their experience and suggestions. I think I am still biased towards a more musical solid state solution to the Aragon for 2K.
My interest in the Creek is a result of a "Class A" review of the product and the price. Another integrated, the Ayre AX-7e received a similar rating and I can find a used one for about the same price as a new Creek. I still am unable to audition either of these products and would be interested in opinions. Lastly, the bottom line, would I be significantly upgrading the musicality of my Aragon system with either of these, or is any improvement realized, not worth the investment?