New Adcom GFA-555 se - Special Edition

Adcom is making a new version of the GFA-555 II, the GFA-555 se. This amplifier is essentially the GFA-555 II with slight improvements including balanced inputs larger capacitors resulting in a better soundstage and an even higher damping factor. Did you know that the GFA-555 is likely the best selling piece of hi-fi equipment ever made, with a build of over 100,000 units? The GFA-555se will be available sometime in November.
I'm not sure how much weight "Special Edition" carries.

Wasn't there a Yugo SE at one point?

We all know how that ended.
I think the SE version adds balanced input and higher filter capacitance. They may have upper the quality on internal parts and added a toriodal transformer. All in all it may be smoother, more musical and less harsh than the original.
>All in all it may be smoother, more musical and less harsh than the original.<

That doesn't exactly raise the bar very high......

Agree with Mjcint -somehow the actual weight of the amp and 200W X 2 class A seems unlikely. Still -found a couple new at a good price -so I ordered two to drive subs.
Let us know what you think when you get it. What is the rest of your system that these amps will integrate into?