I think this is a good idea and certainly worth pursuing as a business opportunity. There are other businesses, such as fitness clubs, that cater only to women for gender based reasons. It is unquestionable that women have different views and approaches to things than men. It doesn't mean always mean that they are not interested in similar things, but their approach may differ. My wife is certainly very discerning when it comes to quality and appreciates the audio and video system that I put together. What she doesn't appreciate is the way that I do it, i.e. the research, the high-end audio stores, fussing over moving speakers an inch one way or the other, the ugliness of some of the equipment. Most of all, she doesn't appreciate the cost. From looking at Stereolady's website, it would seem to me that the target market is the very well heeled, professional since the majority of systems are very expensive. If I am wrong in this, I can only say that it is the image she is projecting. If I were starting such a business, I would very closely investigate the lower end of the high-end market, i.e. the women who wants quality but think that more than a few thousand is neither realistic nor justified given other household expenses. Or perhaps she has done this market research and decided that the more affluent person is her target. If so, then fair enough.
And since Stereolady is monitoring this thread to see what all of us chauvinists have to say, I would recommend that she look at the following thread from a couple of weeks ago.
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1222388824The person who started this thread appears to be exactly the type of person you might be looking for as a client.