Most Important?

After speakers where do you focus the lion share of your funds. I known garbage in garbage out. Would you buy a really great amp and an ok cd player of vice versa?
Great imput gents. Ok now that we have pondered my question gents check out my system and advised whats the weakest link. Also do you guys concur that speakers cables are paramount in a great sounding system ?
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They are all equally important!!! As with anything else you must find a good BALANCE.

As I drive my modded 5 series Bimmer at 130mph going into a corner--which is most important-- tires,suspension, brakes, or throttle response??
Answer: They all better be equally as good or my ass is gravy!

Get the picture?

I can't believe that people still believe it is the speakers the most important part of the chain!!!!amazing!!!!

Let me quote Gerard Rejskind editor in chief of UHF magazine; " if the distortion is in the source,can even the best loudspeaker remove it / if the information is missing from the source signal,can even the best loudspeaker putit back / put a badsource through a good pair of loudspeakers,and you will hear with greater than ever clarity how awful the source is"

>>>and that has been my personal experience.Of course you need to know what a truly great source can do..

If course,you must also use common sense,and make sure the components you use are a good match up in everyway,if you can do even that,there is nothing left to say...

As far as room Acoustics are concerned,there are more speakers that are more vulnerables than others to speaker-room interactions..In my experience there are speakers that are superb for nearfield listening[e.g Harbeth]that is almost totally immune to the type of rooms you put them

it is quite obvious you need to upgrade your source!!! your amplifications and speaker are more than respectable.

And it looks like you need a PLC for your source and preamp..I would get a dcs Puccini if you have the fund ,or a Naim CDP