New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF

Anyone have a chance to hear the new Bel Canto amplification at RMAF? I understand they have a Mk II version of the Ref 1000's and some new mono amps. I'd be interested in hearing impressions.
Hello Kal,

-Always read your reviews with great interest. Thank you. You may be not aware but Spectron Audio mentioned your reviews of Tripath based Bel Canto amplifiers as an excellent illustration of some boring engineering points.
Kal, do you own the originals? When will you review of the new ones be published?
All the responses after my post are interesting indeed. And yes iSanchez, I'm seriously looking at the Spectron in mono mode. But living in Canada (Montreal) there's no representation here and I really would like to audition in home before making a move. I think Spectron has a ''lead'' on everyone else since they've been at it the longest (class D) and make a lot of their own components. Cheers!
You're probably right Guidocorona, especially if you got it from the horse's mouth about no REF 2000's. I got this from the distributor in Ottawa (Canada), could be wishfull thinking at work here. Thanks.
Yes although I found the BC's interesting, something's missing, They didn't best my KRELL FPB 300c in sound, but most surprisingly not even in power. I was sure the 200w/ch advantage wcould've been heard, but not really. So the KRELL at 300w/ch is very conservatively rated. I'm looking for more power to drive my Egglestons, but without sacrificing the sound. It's a tall order to beat the KRELL I'm realizing. Maybe I should go for his big brother the FPB 700cx. Now THAT would rock. The problem with manufacturers not being represented here limits one's choices, and although a listening can be arranged in one's home, it's prohibitive by tha fact that you have to BUY it. And even if you can return it within a month, if you're not satisfied, you still pay shipping BOTH WAYS! That kills it for me. I'm not buying something ''blind'' without hearing it in my set-upp first, especially at those prices. I could buy a FPB700cx blind, like the one on Audiogon going for 6300$, because I own KRELL gear and know what to expect; I won't be dissapointed. But I'm curious about Spectron. D_ _n, why doesn't anyone up here pick up this line of amplifiers? Are they all asleep that they're deaf to all the buzz about these?