New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF

Anyone have a chance to hear the new Bel Canto amplification at RMAF? I understand they have a Mk II version of the Ref 1000's and some new mono amps. I'd be interested in hearing impressions.
Hi Dave, my review article of Vienna Mahlers with sidebars on JRDG 312 and Sumiko Masters set is on The Absolute Sound issue 188 for December 2008. . . I think the main article starts at page 76 or 78.

Rafael, believe it or not, we appear to agree. Like yourself, I am not in a position of judging any power amp to be the ''best'. I probably spent about 3 hours with the Spectron Mus 3 stereo in 07, which is about as much time I spent this year with the Bel Canto Ref 500 Mk.2. The 2 rooms were both acoustically very good, if very different; In the end, I had sufficient time with both amps to tentatively flag them towards the top of my prefs. If and when I have the opportunity of comparing them directly to Theta Citadels, or JRDG 312, I may be able to confirm and hone my opinion of them, or instead recant.
First of all, many thanks for all of your insights. Especially to Dob who favorably compares the Spectron in monoblock configuration as besting some of the best linear amps out there. And being a musician to boot! Now having some friends who are musicians themselves, I can state that they have the ''ear''. And those opinions to me really count. So what I've been suspecting all along that Spectron is presently KING of class D is looking more and more true the more I read up on it. I've tried out the Bel Cantos in their latest iteration 2 months ago, and for ''slam'' they equaled my Krell FPB 300c driving my Eggleston Andras. But musically, something was lacking. So Dob, I can tell you to go ahead and audition them, but they won't best the Spectron from what I can read here. And yes Dev, I intend to put something under the Andras other than the rubber feet I'm now using.
Hmmm, looks like I'll have to start mentioning that I trained as a classic music composer (Grins!)
Hello HifiPete,

Have you seriously audutioned Spectron monoblocks? If so then your words have some serious "weight" If not then you simply repeat that other repeated after others who repeated....

I am not interested today in any class D amplifiers and if I would auditioned Bel Canto in serious manner then I would try to find matching associated eqipment. One can find something very amusical in truthful amplifier which may or may not reflect deficiency somewhere else in the system.

I must admit that it took me a while to build a system around Spectron and few minutes after encounter with latest and best Joule-Electra preamp everything failed and I had to (had no choice !!!!) order this have entirely different experience.

I am afraid that after all I can't judge audio equipment by means other "it grabbed me and I hear all my old disc as new and cound't leave the room" or.. this preamp has this and that i.e. analytical approach whereas audio IS purely emotional experience. Being professional musician make me to pay more for the equipment, I am afraid, as I cant stand euphonic colorations some confused as musicality.

Sorry, I can't wait for my Marianne Electra Preamp...

All The Best