07-27-15: Wolf_garcia
Since Agear is obsessed with my background, I will note that I did have long hair in the 60s and 70s, but I was a full time musician then and learned about sound by necessity and exposure to live and studio experiences…I eventually fell into small venue concert sound design and operation about 20 years ago which is a fun thing to do and has taught me a lot about what works, and I seem to be good at live sound mixing which is surprising in that extremely handsome elderly semi professional longboard surfers rarely do that sort of thing. I have never claimed to have "golden ears" (they're more "fleshy" toned) and recommend that people claiming they do should never be trusted. I have real issues with using this forum for unpaid advertising and shilling products, and feel Star Sound has crossed the line repeatedly both by their own ridiculous self promotion and tacit approval of what I think is an utterly over the top and bizarro rant by the OP…I'll go after that sort of thing every damn time, or whenever I feel like it.
So that probably means your hair cells are fried and you have tin ears like a lot of X-musicians I know. When was the last time you had them tested? How old r u? An audiophile friend of mine fraternizes with one of the guys from Kansas and his ears (by his own admission) are fried. Due to his tinnitus and overall damage, he is not even able to appreciate stereo reproduction (which may be a blessing in disguise given all the sourness of demeanor it generates on these forums....).
Robert would indeed send the racks but questioned whether you were seriously interested since your focus (as a non-SS user) appears to be mudslinging (framed by brittle attempts at humor)....