Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?

Pls share your tweeks on your Spectron MIII MKII power amps.
I know the power cord and isolation devices makes a difference. At the moment I am powering up 3 pcs MIII MKII with PAD Dominus Ferox and installed Finite Elemente Cerapucs.
Each amp is feed on it's dedicated 20 amp 120 vac line.
The results are easily felt especially with more clarity of the bass notes.
I am considering adding the Remote Sense Cables, however, I operate 2 amps in mono and I am not sure if the Remote Sense applies in mono mode and what benefit versus the price of the Elrod cables.

Thank you.
For those of you not using the Elrods, what other speaker cables are you using on the mono MusIII?

The need to wire these using only the pos terminals of each speaker connection on the amps requires cables with the capability to separate the pos/neg legs of each cable widely (12 inches or so), and nothing I have to hand worked (MIT t2 biwires, Audio Art SC5, both of which cannot reach and I don't want to perform surgery on them) so I am temporarily running my own 12awg cables that I can make work here. What other cables work well and have this reach?

I purchased speaker cable from Greg Straley. His website shows only one speaker cable, but he also offers different wire he recommends for Class-D. This cable is thicker, single strand per terminal versus the thinner dual strand per terminal of his standard. Both cables are wound around each other and have heat shrink sleeves at each ends, one of which shows the direction flow to the speaker. I have 2 of the Spectron III, Mk2's, but have not yet wired them as monoblock. Each of my speakers have a panel and a woofer module, so each amp runs a panel and a woofer module. I tested both Greg's standard and the optional cable and ended up going for the optional cable on both panel and woofer module. The optional cable, for me, was more forward, detailed, and presented more bass impact. I would go with his standard cable if your system was already on the bright side. I do anticipate I will go down the monoblock path with the Spectrons, but will require 2 more amp channels for my woofer modules when I do so. In anticipation of doing this, I requested Greg add one more heat shrink tube for a pair of the option cables. This extra tube has not been shrunk and is loosely on the cables. When I try the monoblock configuration, I will cut the current sleeve to allow me to unwind enough cable for the width of the amps. Depending on whether I stay with monoblock or go back to 2-channel configuration, I will shrink the extra tubing to secure the cable. Greg's cables are very reasonable in pricing, and he allows you a return period to audition. I had him initially send me both standard and option to audition both to compare. I recommend working with him.

Hello Oscar,

Elrod cables can be used in one stereo amp as a pair or in two monoblock amplifiers as a quartet - all the same, four separate cables - no changes. Each positive and each neative cable has not only its separate tubing but also its own separate vibration control and shielding. You can have regular termination (this is that I have, WBT NextGen silver) or (with Spectron Audio permission) Speakon termination - your choice. You must be aware that with Speakon - stereo and mono terminations are different so if you bought stereo pair and want to use them later on for monoblocks - you will need re-terminate it (by Elrod, Specron etc)

Hello Azwill - what is the web site of Greg Straley.
Are his cables any good? For example, if he made power cords are they comprable to older Elrod power cords? (I am saying older because Elrod is introducing nex generation of power cables, IC and speaker cables)

Thank you
I am using Grover Huffman's cables - I ordered a 3 foot only pair as I have outboard crossovers. Prior to that I used some temp audioquest cables and they did what they needed to. Grover's cables were more clearly refined, lower noise floor and open sounding; but on the scale of improvements the difference between stereo and monoblock's was shockingly more obvious.

Anyway, I liked what I heard from Grover's cables so much that I ordered 2 power cords and a phono cable from him, to arrive shortly. All his cables are hand made to order and are terrific value.

Gregg Straley's site is http://www.realitycables.com/ I don't believe he does power cords, just speaker cable and IC's. The website only shows his standard speaker cable. If you do have interest, he is generally available after 5:00 PM in Illinois--his phone number is on his website.
