Anyone here compare the Leben CS300 to the CS600?

Hello everyone,

I am in the market for a tube integrated amp. I like bass and I like tubes; not always a great combination. I have read the reviews and the posts about Leben integrated units. I have experience with the EL84 tube but the power is a bit shy. I was wondering if anyone here has heard both the CS300 and the CS600 and what their thoughts were. Also which one they would ultimately buy if they did or would.

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I have both the Leben CS600 and the Mactone 300b. I have not heard the CS300. As in all things, they rely on matching with high quality, wide band, synergistic speakers, wiring, tubes & good sources to maximize what they can do. I presently am running my CS600 with the new Red Lion KT88's which added their particular flavor. You may be able to contact Jeff Day through who at one time had both Lebens in his arsenal. That synergy thing is great when it shows up at lower price points but must still be tried in your present system & room...which are as unique as your own ears and personal tastes.
Get real...we're talking 2-5 grand vs.2 to 3x as much for VAC
Leben is outstanding period.
The oddest, or funniest, thing about this post is you never mentioned your speakers?? What will you be using?
As with anything else, it's all about the matching....
I'm surprised by the less than stellar comments on these amps - seems like there was a period not too long ago where they got great professional reviews and user feedback, to the point I was considering buying them. Where are all the folks who these things were the next greatest thing since sliced bread? Of course driving the right speakers would be critical, neither would be magical driving Maggie 3.7s.