Luxman Class A Integrated Slight Buzzing Noise


I just purchased my first class A amp--a Luxman 550ax--from an AG member recently. I noticed this morning that when I get close to the amp while it is turned on there is a slight buzzing noise coming from the unit. If looking directly at the top of the unit it seems to be coming from the right middle of the unit. Doesn't seem to affect anything with my Harbeth speakers and I only hear it from a couple feet away. I was wondering if this is normal for a class A amp. Anyone with a 550 or 590 have this issue? Any ideas what could be causing it? I have it plugged into a Richard Gray 400 Power Center using the stock Luxman two prong JPA1000 polarized power cord.

Sources are a PC connected USB to a Fostex HPA8C DAC connected to the Luxman with Transparent Audio Link 100 RCA cables.


Thanks all for your input. bojack, you may be onto something with your suggestion of incoming power conditions. I haven't been able to fully investigate and haven't plugged the unit directly into the wall yet but it definitely seems worse when I play music in the early morning. I'll look into it more this week. Again, thanks all for your help.

Hi Dave, I bought a 590AX March this year and went through a rather long ordeal trying to get to the bottom of what I believed to be an unacceptable buzz being emitted from the transformer, I ended up with a response from Japan. I'm willing to share the details if you're interest?
I should add that I actually called Philip O'Hanlon in March when I first discovered the buzz my 590AX was making. He was very helpful and indeed I would say a gracious gentleman, he suggested I check if there was a rubber mat underneath the transfomer, which there was, this also ruled out loose transfomer bolts, which were tight as could be prior to loosening them to check for the mat, outcome was the buzz was and is still present.
Deedo: I would be very interested in hearing the response from Luxman regarding your problem.

My Luxman 590ax amplifier has a very, very low hum but you cannot hear it unless you put your ear on top of the unit. My 590ax is connected to the Furutech e-TP80 that conditions the ac power only. See:

Based on the above posts, I believe there might be something in your environment that is causing your Luxman 550ax class A amplifier to hum.

I suggest you contact the Audiogon person you purchased the Luxman 550ax from. Did the unit hum for this person? If not, ask him to describe their environment to see what the differences are.

What power cord are you using? I suggest you try the stock power cord or another power cord. I suggest you connect the power cord directly to the wall. I owned another product (not Luxman) that would not power on correctly if I used a non-stock power cord. The unit worked perfectly using the stock power cord plugged directly into the wall.

You might also try a cheater plug. This link includes some useful info about amplifier hum and the use of a cheater plug. See:

It is possible one of your other audio units needs the cheater plug and not the Luxman? Does the Luxman hum if you move it to another room (away from your audio system)? It is possible something else (maybe a light) in your listening area needs the cheater plug?

I suggest you turn off all appliances and lights (within reason) and see what happens. You might consider calling a Luxman dealer and ask their opinion.

If you still hear a hum, can you live with it? If not, please contact Philip O’Hanlon at On Higher Note. He is the US Distributer and is very knowledgable with Luxman products.

Unfortunately, it is going to take some time to determine the cause and find a solution. Please keep us posted.