Audio Research REF-110 vs. HD-220

I have a REF-3 and an ARC CD-7 and I'm planning on upgrading my ARC Classic 60 for either the REF-110 or the HD-220. I have efficient, full range speakers (92db Legacy Sig IIIs). My question is: have any posters here had the opportunity to have both amps in their systems long enough to be able to say what the differences are? I listen mostly to jazz, female vocals, light classical, classical guitars and some large orchestral music. Tonal accuracy is very important to me, as is the emotional impact of the music. I'm much more the music lover than the audiophile. Thanks ...
Hi Lwerner. If you do replace your CL120's with the Ref 110 let me know your impressions. I have a pair of CL 120's as well although mine were upgraded by GNSC approx. 2 years ago. I was looking at a couple for sale here on the Gon but still a little over my budget.
All he best.
I have the REF 110 and love it. I was wondering if it is ok to put a towel or cover over the ARC gear to keep the dust out when they are not being used? Does anyone else out there do this?

I encourage you to conduct your own auditions. I am fortunate to have a dealer who has all available for audition, and I was impressed with the full range of Audio Research products including the Ref line, the HD 220, the VS-115. In my opinion, the ref products do not outshine the HD 220 and the VS-115 in a "night and day comparison". It just depends on how much you wish to spend for an incremental improvement in sound.

Having said this, I auditioned all, had the money to purchase all, and was pleased to purchase the VS-115. It provided the best sonics for my system, even at a cost savings. Money should not always be the reason to drive the train in a certain direction.

Best of luck