Lamm + Wadia. A Good match?

Is there anyone who has tested the combination Wadia + Lamm? I have a Wadia 581se, and plans to bay a Lamm M1.2 Reference, and use then the preamp in the Wadia. Is there anyone with experience in combining these two brands?
I have a Wadia 27ix connected to the Lamm L2 preamp and ML2 amps. I strongly concur with Jtinn's response. I originally used the direct connection, but on a recommendation I trialed the L2 and was surprised to find the L2 imparts a significant improvement over direct connection. I ended up purchasing the L2 and would not go back to direct connection.

I have had no issues with level matching as the 27ix has a broad range of output voltages available via internal dip switches.

IMO the Wadia and Lamm components mate very well together.
Rtn: thanks for the detailed spec so it definitely can match up based on that.
Bgn007: Using a premamp you don't have to worry about the jumpering as much because preamps are usually designed to take from 2volt to sometimes 10volts depending on the design. Plus you can jumper the wadia so that you get to use the sweetspot of the volume control of the preamp for adjustments range.
My recommendation is to go direct. The digital volume control is the best invention in audio. You have to set it up properly though. Pre-amps add color if you want it abut at the cost of resolution, timing and separation of instruments. That should be a dynamite set up run through the balanced outs. Good luck
I've had BAT VK30, BAT VK 51, Pass labs Aleph P and a Hovland pre-amp in my set ups and running direct has been best in all situations. You have to give yourself some good audition time. I'm always shocked to hear people say they can't get the Wadias down in volume or that the digital volume throws away resolution. An analog volume pot loses much more. I've even had techs from companies that don't use digital volume tell me its no contest as far as resolution. The 581 will go to .25 volts with the dip switches.
Nelson Pass has an article on a buffer he made that makes sense of the volume control argument. You have to breeze over the technicla stuff to glean the salient points.
see best of luck