audio note ankoru

I have recently purchased a pair of used SE Ankoru mono block power amps and M3 pre .
Upon the connection of the system, I noticed a low buzzing noise in the loudspeakers which comes from the amps and sometimes gets louder. I checked and removed all upstream equipment, cd, pre, to find the source of the noise and concluded that it direcly comes from the powr amps . I even tried power conditioner to check and make sure the quality of Ac is good but the buzzing noise was still there. I wonder if any body has similar experience or can help me take care of this problem. I was told it could be from the tubes ?!
I had a AN Meishu and now a AN P3 Silver and both amps had/have a low hum coming from the amps into the speakers.

There is now a MK2 version and the problem may have been delt with in the newer amp.

E-mail Peter Q of AN with your concern.
I have a mostly Audio Note system driven by a pair of Kageki mono blocks. And when I first set-up the system, I would get a noticeable hum on both channels while playing vinyl. I discovered I had to turnoff of my computer, transport and DAC; then, the noise dropped drastically. The need to turn the computer off disappeared when I installed dedicated lines. But, even with these changes, I still get some noise,if I get close to the speakers when music is not playing. I attribute this to the Cunningham single plate 2A3 which are notorious for being noisy tubes. However, the amount of tube noise I get is more than off-set the quality of the sound when the music is playing.
It could be something as simple as a ground loop problem. Disconnect the interconnect from the amplifier and see if it still hums, or use a cheater plug to bypass the amps' ground and see if the hum still persist.
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