Mesa Baron

Not a question, really, just looking to share something with any users of the Mesa Baron all-tube power amp (now sadly discontinued).

I just found THE preamp to match this high-gain amp, after trying for 10 years. It's the Promitheus Audio TVC (passive transformer volume control).

Over the past 12 years, I've used the Baron in 3 phases - back in 96-97, when it first came out, when I reviewed it for a publication; then in 2000-2001 when I bought and then sold one ... and finally, in 2004, which I intend to keep until Hell freezes over.

I've used McCormack's passive TLC-1 preamp (a pretty great match), Audio Research low-gain LS15 and LS16, Quicksilver Linestage and many others ... but something just clicked with the TVC.

Just in case anyone's still in the hunt to optimise their Baron's performance. Do note - all the while, I've been using the stock version. I have, however, messed around with the input driver tubes (AX7) - the onboard Russion Sovteks have the best punch, Tungsols sound cleaner and airier, and Mullards are just too syrupy for me ... :)

Appreciate any thoughts ...

Wow man i can't believe it there are some other Mesa Baron fans!!!! Yeah i own 2 with all the upgrades i purchased them directly from Mesa Boogie i have them in my EXTRA small bedroom i currently use a Audio Synthesis Passion that i had modded by Audio Synthesis so that i could bi-amp my B&W Matrix 3's, i use a stock Sony DVP-S9000ES...i also own a pair of BARON M180's that are mint on my secondary system. With regards to preamps i've used 2 Mod Squad Line Drives' and a McCormack Deluxe Line Drive too...but i got rid of all those, i switch between a plexy glass Mod Squad Deluxe Line Drive; the Promitheus sounds interesting...i'm short on cash but i was thinking of a Canary Audio Passive or a First Sound passive...anyway i am totally stoked about all of you that have the Baron BUG i keep mine stock...i love the bi-amping thing i have a BIG problem though i own a pair of KS-Emotion cables that are not bi-ampable anyway there are worse problems to a side note i alternate my Mod Squad Plexy and the AS passion with my 3rd TV rig with a pair of Bryston 3B amps used in mono mode and Dynaco A25's, Clements and Paradigm References Sudio 60's...they COME ALIVE, killer sound stage!!!...Bryston recommoneds their active preamps but a passive pre on the 3b's with a second Sony dvp-s9000-es WOW....sorry for all the verbage...Also, has anyone upgraded their power cables?? Just a thought...oh yeah i had an old Conrad Johnson preamp with my Baron M180's man they sounded awsome i'll post some pics i hope others will closing i picked the Baron's because i believe in their road gear reputation... when i go to audio shops and tell them what i own...some laugh and say "why do you have a guitar amp for audio...try Audio Research" one thing MESA has probably built as many units as other audio companies anyway they rock!!!

Mesa has sent me the schematic to make the necessary changes to my Baron if I want to use other tubes, which Lloydc srongly recommends. But I haven't got around to do this yet ... I was think I'll let the current tubes go first, still have lots of life left in them.
I'm trying to get my Baron to synergise with a pair of Magnepan 1.6 speakers I just got, but not quite hitting the spot so far. I sold my first Baron because, driven by an AR LS16 preamp, it didn't quite do it with my earlier set of Maggies (also the 1.6). Looks like I've come a full circle now, although the bit players are different this time; for one, it's the Promitheus TVC passive pre, and Anti-Cables, and different power cords.
It's been a while, but here's something I finally hit on. I had put the Baron aside for a few months, also sent it for a service (one of the meter bulbs had blown). In the meantime, I got myself a McIntosh MA402 power amp and more recently, a C220 tube preamp.
When the Baron came back, my thought was to sell it, since the Mac pre-power was so musical. Anyway, I hooked the Mac pre to the Baron and voila! I was blown away, sounded like a perfect match for the Baron. I never heard it sound better.
So, it stays ... :)

Just thought I'd share.
Have a Mesa Baron with Tesla EL34 blues, Hovaland Musicaps, hexfreds and Caddocks. Usually run it in triode, still a match for anything around.