Wow man i can't believe it there are some other Mesa Baron fans!!!! Yeah i own 2 with all the upgrades i purchased them directly from Mesa Boogie i have them in my EXTRA small bedroom i currently use a Audio Synthesis Passion that i had modded by Audio Synthesis so that i could bi-amp my B&W Matrix 3's, i use a stock Sony DVP-S9000ES...i also own a pair of BARON M180's that are mint on my secondary system. With regards to preamps i've used 2 Mod Squad Line Drives' and a McCormack Deluxe Line Drive too...but i got rid of all those, i switch between a plexy glass Mod Squad Deluxe Line Drive; the Promitheus sounds interesting...i'm short on cash but i was thinking of a Canary Audio Passive or a First Sound passive...anyway i am totally stoked about all of you that have the Baron BUG i keep mine stock...i love the bi-amping thing i have a BIG problem though i own a pair of KS-Emotion cables that are not bi-ampable anyway there are worse problems to a side note i alternate my Mod Squad Plexy and the AS passion with my 3rd TV rig with a pair of Bryston 3B amps used in mono mode and Dynaco A25's, Clements and Paradigm References Sudio 60's...they COME ALIVE, killer sound stage!!!...Bryston recommoneds their active preamps but a passive pre on the 3b's with a second Sony dvp-s9000-es WOW....sorry for all the verbage...Also, has anyone upgraded their power cables?? Just a thought...oh yeah i had an old Conrad Johnson preamp with my Baron M180's man they sounded awsome i'll post some pics i hope others will closing i picked the Baron's because i believe in their road gear reputation... when i go to audio shops and tell them what i own...some laugh and say "why do you have a guitar amp for audio...try Audio Research" one thing MESA has probably built as many units as other audio companies anyway they rock!!!