Compare: Modwright LS 36.5 & Audio Research LS26

I'd appreciate opinions from anyone who has experience with these line stages. OK any comparisons including the Modwright and Ref 3 are also welcome.

Amps: Audio Research VM220 Mono Blocs (the Mono version of the VS110)
Wison Audio Sophias. Music: Classic Rock, Singer Songwriter, Classical, Small ensemble chamber, LOTS of vocals.

Recreation of stage & space, tube glow and midrange warmth and vocal realism, and rhythmic integrity top priorities. 80% vinyl, 20% digital.

Thanks for your assistance.

"Recreation of stage & space, tube glow and midrange warmth and vocal realism, and rhythmic integrity top priorities. 80% vinyl, 20% digital."

You should definitely also check out the Red Wine Audio Isabella if you are looking for the sound that you describe above.

This is my favorite preamp and I have a friend who now owns one and is also smitten over the sound. He has owned many preamps over the years, including the Modwright 36.5 - the Isabella is so far his favorite by far as well.

Happy listening

I should have noted that to roll a GZ37 or GZ32 in the single box 36.5 - unlike the Dual Mono unit - requires a moving the tube socket to line up with a DM top if you don't want to run it with the top off. Modwright will probably do this at a reasonable price.
The Modwright LS 36.5 uses only one pair of 6H30s in the signal path. However, it has both single-ended and balanced inputs. How do you do that with just one pair of tubes?
Jwarmbrand said:
This is my favorite preamp and I have a friend who now owns one and is also smitten over the sound. He has owned many preamps over the years, including the Modwright 36.5 - the Isabella is so far his favorite by far as well.

Red Wine Audio HAS to be one of your favorites since it's literally all you've deemed worthy to post about since joining Audiogon one year ago. You have one thread initiated yourself(about the Isabella) and 14 answers in other to other threads - every single one of your 14 responses over the course of a year recommends a Red Wine Audio product...without exception. You have made no posts here that do not contain some recommendation of a Red Wine Audio product...not 12 months. You must be Vinnie's biggest fan!!!! :-)

I am not questioning that Vinnie makes fine products, and that the Isabella is worth this poster's consideration, but I find your record of posts here....well, also worth consideration.