Looking for power amp with warm, smooth sound

Have some Monitor Audio RS6's that are sounding bright and fatigueing to my ears with my Marantz 6003 receiver. Would adding a power amp with warmth tone down the brightness and add more fullness to the sound of the speakers? I would use the Marantz as a pre for now. Any recommendations for one under about $1200?
I don't know how it would pair up with your Marrantz, but you might consider a Pass Aleph 3 or 30.
Cayin A-50T - tubes and wonderful. $1,200 new should be doable.

I have one into B&W 685's and it sounds sweet. Very sweet.
The RS6's are a pretty bright speaker. I may consider trying to sell them and use the money you set aside for an amp towards a speaker upgrade.
Second the Cayin A-50T...excellent amp! Sonics, cosmetics, build - all first rate!!!