Saved by a Bose Wave radio

My Music Hall Trio had to go in for service and I just sold my extra pre-amp (sumo)which had just been sitting around.
Well, I had a brainstorm for my office system: Bose wave radio for pre and tuner, Pioneer Elite DVD/CD, Yamaha M-45 amp and Coincident speakers.
I can't believe what a decent job that nasty little bose is doing. My clock is a pre-amp tuner! Does it rival a modded Music Hall? NO. Will it get me by for the next 3-4 weeks? Definitely and is doing a decent job. It even is able to sense that I'm using the variable outputs and shut off the speakers automatically as well as changed the volume settings.
Uru975....I have a Sony that does exctly all of the things that you mentioned above.

The cd track I have it set to wake me is "It's A Beautiful Morning" by the Young Rascals. Paid about $50 for the thing about ten years ago. I've used it in my remote offices several times over the years to pinch-hit if a music system wasn't in place.
So the bose radio has an audio input and output?
My tivoli radio for the office only has an Aux In.
There is nothing wrong with Bose. I have owned some of their speakers years ago & no they are not the ultimate sound but enjoyable devices that cut through the bull and deliver good sound for a reasonable price. I imagine the Wave radio is also such a product for people on the go or who just want to listen to their music in a sensible manner without constantly evaluating a high end rig or in this case just having something to fall back on.
The marketing of the Bose Wave Radio is the best I have ever seen. Their radio is featured in the weekend section of my Sunday newspaper and I also see it advertised in various magazines. I am sure that people like the no extra wires concept and the small compact box with an easy to use remote control. I even heard the Bose Wave Radio advertised on the radio. I cannot comment on its sound quality but Bose gets an A+ for a very creative advertising program. There advertising budget must be very expensive but Bose must be selling many units of this radio/CD unit.
They actually have a great trade in program also. You can upgrade with up to a 50% discount on the new unit.