McIntosh Integrated Amplifiers

Autoformers vs. No Autoformers

What are the differences between the two types of McIntosh integrateds?

I'm not really familiar with autoformers or the advantage of them other than handling large Ohm swings? Is that correct?

Thanks very much. Someone please enlighten me because I really want a McIntosh amp and if I buy one without autoformers is it a true "McIntosh"?
A timely question, as another current thread, on Mac reliability (6500), seems to have turned into a comparison of the 6500 vs. 6900, and non-autoformers versus autoformers. What other Mc's don't have autoformers, other than some of the integrateds?
Really, to give you a good idea about this, one would need to know what speakers you would drive with the Mac Integrated, to discuss any advantage of the Autoformer output, in coupling with your speaker connection.
Of course a Mac without autoformers is a true "Mac"! My MC7200 amp doesn't have them, and I personally wouldn't have one with them, having owned several Mac amps with them. The autoformers allow the amp to put out the same rated power into ALL speaker loads. Without them, my amp has a rated power of 200 wpc into 8 ohms/300 wpc into 4 ohms. This is only my personal opinion, but if autoformers were so great, why do you not see them in other high-end manufacturer's products? Don't get me wrong, I have owned and loved Mac gear since 1978, I just hate autoformers.