Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?

Apparently there is a MK3 version of the highly regarded LA-150 now and I can't seem to find any info on it. Can anyone tell me how it differs from the MK2? Thanks in advance, John.
Hello Psag and iSanchez - as much as LA-300ME bass is magnificent and my Spectron monoblocks are not shy in that area - I happened to auditioned a few times David Elrod not new interconnects or power cords but speaker cables, specifically Gold (I can't afford to buy it) These added bass in very, very impressive manner - so I agree with you that addition of Elrod Gold hook-up into LA-300ME was signaificant development.

Chao - I am going back to my listening room....

All The Best
Hello Rafael,

I have to admit that this kind of sound is very addictive.

BTW, I have an Elrod Statement Silver power cord arriving in the next few weeks. It is supposed to be a great match to this preamp. I'll post my impression once I get it.


Hello ISanchez: Simon Thacher of MCV Consulting who work with Jud Barber told me that new J-E phono stage is coming. Also based on LAX-300ME technology and suppose to be paired with it. Similar power supply etc.

Regarding Elrod power cord, I use older EPS-3 Signature with my Joule-Electra preamp. I expect that new Silver or Gold are much better but I concentrated on the speaker cables to match my Spectron amplifier which Simon aslo voiced when he was with Spectron Audio

All The Best
Hey guys - I want to ask a touchy question without starting a flame war. Just an honest question. I have a Supratek Chardonnay (well known here on Audiogon) that was only 2.3k. If I moved up to this pre for 14.8k can anyone who has heard both tell me what I get? Similarly, I use older Pass Amplification that used was in the 2k range, and their current models are 10 - 40k... I know there is a price/performance curve that isn't linear, and I've heard truly amazing things about Joule gear, so what do I get for the 12k difference?
Hello Lightminer,

I did auditioned Supratek but not in my system. Still from this experience, I would suggest that Jud Barber new LA-300ME is in totally different class - most strikingly for me is its removal of any artificuality between you and the music. I expressed it in my review (along with many other audiophile attributes) and I believe iSanchez expressed exactly the same reaction as I have ( see his review too). May be its because we are musicians and we appreciate realism more ten anything else. In this (real music representation) I never heard in any other preamp (closest is REX by BAT ($21k) in my opinion)

All The Best