Audio Research vs Burmester Audio


Next year I will upgrade my amps. At this moment I have Burmester 061 cd player, and Burmester 051 integrated amp. Due to the fact that I have bought a pair of Wilson Audio Sophia 2 speakers, I need more power.

I have been looking at upgrading to Burmester 011 preamp w/RIAA and Burmester 911mk3 amp. Lovely sound and great build quality.

I have also heard favourable words about ARC Reference series 3 Preamp, Reference 110 amp and Reference PH7 phono amp. I have also heard that Wilson Audio use this equipment on their speakers.

How does the sound of Burmester compare to ARC? And how long can the tubes be used before the sound loose finesse?

The 061 cd player fits the Burmester amps perfectly. I am not sure about ARC, but I will try to test it out.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Cheeers, Toffen G
Both of these manufacturers are excellent. If you are going to spend this kind of money you owe it to yourself to take each product home and audition it. The proof is in the pudding.
If vinyl is your thing, you need to consider Einstein phono stage which is favorably reviewed worldwide. It's also German, so you know the quality is top notch.

When I was working in Singapore, the dealer who carries Burmester also carries Einstein. When he was showcasing Continumm TT, that $120k giant, he chose to use Einstein pre and phono over Burmester though he did use Burmester power amp.
You are in an enviable position. I have been an Audio Research enthusiast for many years and believe in their approach to initial value and long-term support. Having said that, I feel that over the years ARC has moved away from the 'traditional tube sound' and now make their products to be as absolutely neutral and transparent as possible.

It appears in contrast, that Burmester has a sonic signiture in mind and chooses to design to that ideal. Ultimately it's a decision of preference. I do think, however, that an AB comparison will reveal that there are some significant differences between the two companies.
I have a Burmester 911 Mk 3 amp. While the Burmester 011 pre is perfect for it, I chose not to use that pre because it lacks a balance control. After trying an MBL 5011, I ended up with a Krell Evo 202, which has a 50 ohm output impedance (the Burmester amp likes a pre with a low output impedance). After some experimentation with interconnects, I purchased a Kimber Select 1136 (with wires to the XLR pins inverted at the factory, to accomodate an American pre to a German amp), and I am now very happy with the results. The Burmester is a fully balanced amp, and it needs careful matching if it is to sound its best. So if you decide to get the 911 Mk 3, your choice of preamps and cables is limited if you want to get the amp to sound its best. It would not be a good idea, for instance, to drive a Burmester amp with an ARC preamp. You are probably best off with either all ARC electronics or a Burmester amp with either a Burmester or Krell preamp.